How to Choose a Right Claims Management Software

Cogitate us
4 min readFeb 8, 2020


What should an insurer look for when he is determining and selecting a comprehensive Claims Management Software? Cogitate breaks down all of these complex and critical factors for those involved in making Insure Tech decisions.

It is an obstacle that is so difficult and intimidating to handle and find the right claims management software that fits the needs of all users of a complex claims environment. An optimal solution should be employed, and it should improve claim service while simultaneously reducing costs. It should optimize processes and be customizable so that it can be tailored according to your specific needs. It must completely meet your present needs as well as intelligently forecast those that lie in the future. We often think that selecting the right claims management software that suits your organization’s needs can prove to be quite a daunting task. Various insurance software companies in USA have solutions to this. So, where exactly do you begin, and what are the essential factors to consider when making the decision?

Cogitate Technology Solution has been the technology partner for many leading insurers in the United States and they provide an excellent Insurance software solution. Based on our collective experience of understanding of what an insurer needs from a claims management software (CMS) and our perception, here is a list of imperative factors to consider when making a choice:

Interpret your requirements: It is crucial to understand the business challenges or desired benefits that you want the CMS to address. Among plenty of options and benefits on offer in the market, your main concern should be which CMS system addresses the issues that are your top priority? Does the solution offer many powerful features but leaves something to be desired in your top priorities? If you have clarity on your key strategies and where your current processes and tools fall short, you will have half your solution solved beforehand.

Assume who will use it: Identify all the stakeholders of the company who will be affected by the implementation of the new CMS and make sure every last one is consulted and included in making the decision. CMSs interact with business teams, customers, agents, in-house departments like accounting, and multiple third-parties. Understanding their needs and finding the CMS that is useful for each user-group will be vital to the success of your new claims management solution for several years in the future of the company.

Ensure the solution matches your plans: Your firm’s aggressive growth plans should not be hobbled by technology that isn’t flexible and powerful enough to keep pace, nor add underutilized heft. Does the claims management software under evaluation have enterprise capacities a large organization will need? Does it weigh and scale down a small firm with an expensive solution that adds complexities that could be cut? Does its strength lie in digitalization and collaboration solely, or does it also have the business process automation your strategies demand now and in the future? Does the CMS offer the advantages of technological leaps, or is it based on architecture or technology that won’t last the distance?

Organize for innovation: Any CMS you choose will require getting used to inevitably altered processes, altered reporting, and tweaked workflows. Introducing a new way of doing things will go down much smoother with prudent change management. When evaluating the CMS, also look at the support, training, and hand-holding offered by the solution provider to ease the transition. A key indicator will be the length of relationships with clients, not just the number of successful implementations.

Pick the right partner: To use your new CMS for long periods successfully, a lasting relationship with the provider will go a very long way. The right Insurance Software Solution provider is not offering a one-off solution, and they are building a partnership with you. Ensure that they understand your particular domain of insurance, can demonstrate successful implementations as part of their track record, and can grow as your needs evolve over the years.

Cogitate Technology Solutions offers a powerful claims information solution that caters to the needs of carriers, third party administrators as well as independent adjusters. Its sturdy and comprehensive dashboard and reporting give real-time, fine-tuned insight and analysis into your claim performance. The power of our solution is augmented by our Time Limit Demand Awareness and Management tool, which uses AI and machine learning to analyze and prioritize TLDs without human intervention.

To understand how can assist you and support your needs to find the right claims management software for your requirements, learn more about them at



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Cogitate Technology Solutions was established with a vision to be a leading provider of innovative and transformative digital technology.